The Virality of Copypasta: コピペで広まる世界


Internet slang has its unique charm and ‘コピペで広まる世界’, which can be translated as ‘The world spreads through copypasta’, is one such captivating phrase. But what is copypasta? And how does it shape the world of the internet?

Understanding Copypasta

Copypasta is a term derived from the English words ‘copy’ and ‘paste’. It refers to a block of text that is copied and pasted across the internet by individuals through online forums and social networking sites. This phrase signifies the power of viral content and how quickly it can spread across the internet.

The Power of Copypasta

One may ask, why does copypasta matter? The answer lies in its ability to multiply and spread information or memes quickly and widely. It is a form of crowd-sourced digital storytelling where a single story or meme can reach millions within a short span of time.


While some may perceive ‘コピペで広まる世界’ as a mere internet phenomenon, it is a testament to the power of digital communication in our modern world. The next time you come across a repeated block of text online, remember, you are witnessing the power of ‘コピペで広まる世界’.